April 4-April 10th, 2018
Key West to Galveston TX: 800 NM
Possible ASA 106 or Sailing Academy Offshore Passage qualify for offshore seatime
with USCS and RYA
Crossing the Gulf of Mexico may not be in the popular media and a bucket list item like sailing across the Atlantic or to the Caribbean, however it deserves a lot more credit that its due. The sheer width, about 900NM and confusing array of strong currents make it a perfect training ground for crossing bigger oceans. The loop current and weather will be our biggest factors in passage planning. The second unknown challenge in the Gulf are all the offshore drilling platforms, shallows and currents coming from the large inland rivers like the Mississippi. My first passage in 2011 across this ocean, drew my awareness at what an interesting, challenging and ultimately rewarding this trip really is.
The educational component will be for this passage:
Planning and routing as mentioned above
Crew and ship preparedness and meal planning
Offshore safety and drills
Both traditional and electronic log keeping and navigation
Both traditional and electronic means of collision avoidance (bearings, radar and AIS)
Watch standing routines and essential skills
'Keeping the vessel moving' and other offshore tactics for comfortable fast passagemaking
Living aboard while underway.
Those who wish to attend need to be healthy, be able to interact in a close quarters environment and be aware we are living, eating and sleeping around the clock in hopefully good but sometimes rough weather.
To be able to stand both day and night watch, we will take shifts of 4 on watch and 8 off watch. Both the skipper or 1st mate will be standing all watches for the first few days with students. But our goal by day 2 or 3 is that you are able to stand a solo watch.
Requirements: Completion of ASA 101, 103, 104 and possibly 106
You will need your own Offshore rated PFD, hydrostatic is best, and tether. Headlamp with Red light.
All other safety gear is provided, provisions are included.
Travel: Arrival in Key West on April 4th (airport EYW)
Disembark: Gavlveston via Houston (IAH)
Pricing; all-inclusive: $2,495.00 Per Student Crew