You already know us or at least some of you do as Sailing Academy of Florida and Custom Sailing Worldwide. It's still us, only better. With the booming popularity of sailing from education, ownership to cruising vacations. Some companies are left struggling to catch up.  There is a need to make navigating through this industry a  heck of a lot easier, giving you, the eager sailor, the kinds of experiences you are looking for. That's what Epic Sailing is all about. 

Captain Edana bring more than a decade professional experience from buying boats on Ebay, no kidding, to cruising across oceans. Founding an award winning sailing school she's helped hundreds of new sailors, couples, and families cast off toward their goals. This isn't a one size fits all business, everyone and every boat is unique. And we approach each on it's own. 

Captain Valerie has been leading trips through the Greek Island and the Caribbean for nearly two decades. She's sailed more places than you can dream and has contacts in those far flung ports to help make your sailing experience a no hassle one. 

Jonathan brings the technical know how to our crew. From helping find that right boat to troubleshooting the boat you already have.  His educational programs show you how to keep her ship shape and out of the boatyard. 

If you already know us, great, if not, welcome! Come join us for in for this new Epic Sailing Experience!